Wingman [Woman] Page 6

“Picky, picky.” I laugh.

Last week I picked up for Reign, but the girl was . . . errr . . . slightly unstable. Apparently she not only wanted Reign to beat her during sex, but she wanted him to do it in front of her friends. Twisted sister.

“Make her normal,” he orders.

I give him a sardonic look. “Oh, I will.”

I turn and head towards the door, and then I spin back. “How much damage was done to the club?”

His eyes grow angry. “Enough. I lost thousands of dollars worth of alcohol, plus they busted the back cellar open.”

I frown. “Shit.”

“Quit talking and find me a good lay. I got shit to do.”

“A thank you would be nice,” I say, taking the door handle.

“I don’t need to thank you, I fuckin’ pay you. Do as you’re told.”

“I’m not your dog, Reign.”

He gives me a hard expression. “Do I need to hire someone else, or are you going to stop talking and go and do your fuckin’ job?”

Oh, well excuse me.

I walk out without another word, I won’t get him a crazy one, but I’ll sure as shit make sure he pays for his snarky attitude tonight. Asshole.

I step out into the crowd with a massive grin on my face. “Ladies, hey ladies!” I scream.

About thirty women turn towards me. “You all know Reign Braxton, right?”

A good amount of them cheer. Who doesn’t know Reign Braxton?

“Well, I’m pleased to let you know that he’s looking for some extra special lovin’ tonight. So much so that he’s offering five hundred dollars to the lady that makes him moan. You better be quick. Only one lucky lady will get all that man meat.” I turn and point to his door as Benny opens the small door leading out the back with a laugh. “Go and get him, ladies.”

About twenty women rush past Benny down the halls.

With a grin, and a sassy flick of my hair, I leave the club.

That’ll teach him.


R: I’m going to fucking kill you.

I laugh.

Maybe next time he will be more thankful. I mean, without me he wouldn’t get laid so easily. Okay, that’s kind of a lie on my behalf; he’d probably get laid without even blinking. Damn him and his wicked perfection.

R: Seriously, I’m going to fucking kill you.

I quickly text him back.

T: All I wanted was a thank you. Such a sad story.

R: Fucking. Dead.

T: Aw, poor Reign.

R: Run, babe. You’re going to pay for that.

I have no doubt I will.

I get home and pay the cab driver before climbing out and heading inside. I flick all the lights on and admire my little piece of perfection. It might not be huge, but it’s mine and I’m proud of that. I kick my shoes off and drop my purse on the counter, then I plod over to the fridge, hungry. I stare into the mostly empty space for a while, and then with a sigh I swing the door shut.

I’ll order a pizza.

I lift my phone and dial the nearest pizza place, making my order. The young man on the other end of the line assures me the pizza won’t be long, before hanging up. I walk over to my couch and flop down with a long, drawn-out sigh. I do feel kind of sorry for Reign. He would have been bombarded with all those women, not to mention he likely had to cough up $500.


Fifteen minutes later, a knock sounds at my door. Finally, my pizza. I rush over and swing it open only to face Reign, holding a pizza box. Dammit. His face is telling me he’s not happy, and his body is stiff and tight. He thrusts the pizza box at me and takes a step forward, causing me to take a step back.

“Since when did you become a pizza boy?” I joke.

He glares at me and I give him a guilty expression.

“Twenty fuckin’ women,” he growls, walking inside further. “Twenty of them throwing themselves all over me, trying to rip my fuckin’ clothes off and begging for not only my cock, but five hundred fucking dollars.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

Reign steps towards me. “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?”

I burst out into a fit of giggles, dropping the pizza box on my coffee table. “Well, that’ll teach you for treating your employee so badly.”

He steps forward, dropping his shoulder into my belly and launching me up into the air, squealing. He takes two big strides and reaches the couch, where he drops me down and pins me with his hands to my shoulders. “I ought to take you over my fuckin’ knee and spank your ass for such bad behavior.”

I laugh harder.

“Try it, asshole,” I say between giggles.

With a wicked grin, he flips me over effortlessly. I squeal and shove forward, laughing so hard I’m crying. Reign’s hand comes down over my ass and I let off a high-pitched scream. He whacks me again before flipping me back over and leaning down close, so we’re nearly nose-to-nose. “Try that again, and I’ll bare your ass the next time my hand is on it.”

I laugh as he stands up, running a hand through his ruffled hair.

“So, I guess that means you didn’t get laid?”

He shoots me poisonous look that has me biting my lip again.

“I asked you for crazy, not a fucking group of crazy. I didn’t get laid, so you owe me. Starting with that pizza . . .”

I sit up, still unable to wipe the smile from my face. “All right, I’ll make it up to you. I swear.”

His eyes sparkle with humor. “Damn right you will.”